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Zakupiona literatura:
- Banister Manly, The Craft of Bookbinding, New York 1993.
- Biesalski Ernst Peter, Die Mechanisierung der deutschen Buchbinderei, 1850-1900, Frankfurt am Main 1991.
- Cockerell Douglas, Bookbinding and the Care of Books, London 1911.
- Colombo Pio, La legatura artistica. Storia e critica, Roma 1952.
- Cox Alfred, Making of the Book. A sketch of the Book-binding art, New Castle, Oak Knoll Press 1986.
- De Libris compactis. Miscellanea. Collegit G. Colin, Bruxelles, Bibliotheca Wittockiana 1984.
- Diehl Edith, Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique, New York 1980.
- Eloquent witness. Bookbinding and their history, ed. by Mirjam M. Foot, London, New Castle, Oak Knoll Press 2004.
- Foot Mirjam, Bookbinders at Work. Their roles and Meethods, London 2006.
- Goldschmidt Ernst Philip, Gothic and Renaissance bookbindings, 2nd ed. Amsterdam. Israel. 1967. 2 vol.
- Greenfield Jane, Hille Jenny, Headbands: How to Work Them, Oak Knoll Press, 2008.
- Greenfield Jane, Notable bindings, Yale 2003.
- Macci Federico i Livio, Dizionario illustrato della legatura, Milano 2002.
- Marks P.J.M., The Britisch Library guide to Bookbinding, London 1998.
- Mazal Otto, Einbandkunde. Die Geschichte des Bucheinbandes, Wiesbaden 1997.
- Middleton B. C., A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique, London 1978.
- Needham Paul, Twelve Centuries of Bookbinding 400-1600, New York, London 1979.